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Believers, Assemble!

If you feel surrounded by danger and disappointment, know that God is there for you. The Bible teaches us that after Jesus was crucified, the disciples ran and hid (see Mark 14). Jesus’ followers feared for their lives, so they locked themselves away. Then, when they least expected it, Jesus came right through the walls.

Then, when they least expected it, Jesus came right through the walls.

If your response to the troubles of this world is to barricade yourself in, the Lord knows where you are, and He will walk right through your walls to shake you out of your petrified state. Will you pry each restricting finger of fear from its suffocating grip around your calling today? Allow your Father to lift you back out into your assigned section of “all the world” where He has called us to go with the gospel. There was a time for hiding and healing, but now it is past time to get back to church.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. (Hebrews 10:23-25, NIV)

The world needs the church to surface; to rise in the name of Jesus. There is a lot of hurt, indescribable pain; chances are, you have experienced it within your family in the time of COVID. Many people have not returned to the house of the Lord even though most will frequent the grocery store, mall, restaurants, and entertainment or sports venues. Clearly, the issue is not fear of infection if you will show up for these events, but not for worship.

Do you realize fellowship and faith are as important as food and fun? If you do, you will be at church on Sunday. Your relationship with God and obedience to His instruction to not give up “meeting together” must take priority. I believe attendance is decided by what we view as necessary for our survival and fulfillment. Go get groceries to prepare to nourish your body; reconnect to your local body of believers and get sustenance for your soul.

When the enemy comes at you, you will have the strength and agility to push back. Despite everything we have gone through, the Word of God goes on. God has great plans for us, and it is so important to plant seeds through prayer and fellowshipping with other believers.


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