Put Off / Put On
If you are serious about living an abundant life for Christ, be brave and ask the Spirit of God to search you. “You were taught, with...

Spiritual Malnutrition: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment
Many people today are satisfied with the milk of the Word – the easy-to-swallow parts that make them feel good. The spiritual nutrients...

It Comes with Experience
Far too many Christians struggle and live below their spiritual means because they have only experimented with Christianity as a religion...

Building the Right House
The house that endures the test of time and troubles is the house that is built with the right kind of stuff. What are you putting in...

Add to Your Faith
Faith is not enough. Does it surprise you that I say that? According to Peter in his letter to the churches of Asia Minor, to be...

A Life Worth Imitating
Like a little boy who copies how his dad shaves in the morning or a daughter who picks up on her mother’s grace and intelligence while...