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Make Way for the Way-Maker

It is Easter Week! Jesus purchased life for you in that short week it took the cheering crowd to shift from “blessed be the name of the Lord” to “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!” Here’s the good news: by the time the people started yelling, “Someone stole the body,” your victory was won and done, my friend. (Matthew 21; 27:24; 28:13)

The purpose of Christ's earthly ministry is being revealed beginning with His triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a humble goat (Matthew 21). Christ came to earth with a message in His heart, a mission for His life. And that mission was to be crucified, to die on a cross for our sake. God made a way to give us what we could not attain for ourselves.

1. Salvation and Transformation. When we bring Jesus into our lives, every area—each room, He will improve it. Bring Him into your home, your marriage, your parenting, your workplace, your finances. Christ makes a way of salvation and transformation to every part. (Acts 4:12; John 14:6; John 3:16)

2. Joy from Heaven. Jesus was born on earth to deliver the world from the very peril we each were in before His arrival. The world, you and I, were in darkness. We were separated from God, blind, with no hope and no joy. Jesus is still the deliverer of joy from heaven, regardless of what is going on. (John 15:11; Hebrews 12:2; John 16:20-22)

When we make a way for Jesus through prayer and giving thanks, Jesus makes a way for us.

3. Peace Inconceivable. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He calms the storm and gives tranquility to turbulent days. There is great fear and anxiety in the world today. Maybe you have experienced more depression and anxiousness during this past year. I know many people who are feeling the strain of the unfamiliar during this time of COVID. It is understandable. Still, I cannot ignore what my Bible says in Philippians.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, NLT)

When we make a way for Jesus through prayer and giving thanks, Jesus makes a way for us to experience salvation and transformation, joy and peace amid chaos and confusion.

This is the King coming to you in undeserved, unexpected ways. You are being set up for good news as the Lord pulls you up from whatever threatens to keep you buried. This is the working of grace in your life. This is the message of The Gospel when you make a way for the Messiah in your heart.


Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I humble myself before you and ask you to forgive me for the sins that are obvious. Make me aware of sins that I don't even know about, that only you can see. You know the secrets of man's heart. Forgive me, Lord, cleanse me and wash me. Purify me with the fire of the Holy Spirit. And Father, I pray that you will give me a comeback -- to be stronger than ever before, to worship You, to give you glory and honor through my life through my body and my mind. Lord, I know that if you strengthen me, I will have a word of salvation for those that need You. Thank You, Father, for Your Son’s sacrifice. Thank You for the victory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


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