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The People Need Hope

When determination connects to the Holy Spirit’s chain-breaking anointing, we can point others to the power found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Not long after the attacks on 9/11 in the U.S., Carmen and I traveled from Richmond to New York City for a speaking engagement at the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church. The next day, I went to visit my mentor, David Wilkerson whose offices were not far from Ground Zero.

Even though he was ill, Brother Dave spoke with us for close to two hours. He was intense, something was weighing on him. We sensed we were not alone in the room. The holy awe of the Comforter was with us.

There seemed to be a shift in the atmosphere. There had been a heaviness in the air—physically and spiritually. We were five miles or more from Ground Zero but could still smell the stench of smoke from the fires of the World Trade Center towers. The room became filled with the presence of God. The love of the Father and the power of His Holy Spirit came down to meet us. We felt drawn to our knees as He called us into battle through prayer.

That day, search and rescue were blocks away, still hoping to find signs of life in the steel and concrete where the towers once stood. Little did we know, Carmen and I were being prepared for a search and rescue mission of our own.

We talked with Brother Dave about what God was doing in New York City and at Times Square Church where he pastored at the time. I asked him what he thought about the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon. An answer came before the question could leave my mouth.

“They have already forgotten it.”

He repeated himself like he was having trouble accepting it. “They have forgotten it, Victor. They are immune.”

Only two weeks had passed since the attacks, and already my mentor was concerned that America would not heed this warning. While we didn’t believe God caused the attack, we felt sure He intended to use it as a wakeup call for the nation and the church.

There in his office, Brother Dave reminded us that God had shown him the fires that would come to the city. Before it happened, he had seen a vision of the shaking of the foundations of our internal structure. The Pennsylvania preacher who obeyed the call of God and bravely infiltrated gang territory with the Gospel decades before, was hearing from the Almighty again.

Focused, serious, he leaned forward and warned, “More is coming. We haven’t seen anything yet, Victor.”

He was right.

20th Anniversary of that tragic day, we are still reeling from the attack of COVID on our nation and the world. But I wonder, are people recognizing the signs this time? Will they open their eyes to God and His Word? What part will you play in His plans?

“To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.” (Colossians 1:27-28, NKJV)

I will tell you now the same words Brother Dave encouraged us with two decades ago.

“Preach hope. The people need hope.”

Hope. How will they hear it? How will they know where to find it? They want it, they need it, but they don’t know where to get it. Sometimes, they fear it no longer exists.

Here is your mandate – Deliver the hope found in the love and grace of our Father in Heaven. When determination connects to the Holy Spirit’s chain-breaking anointing, we can point others to the power found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


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